A variety of experiences and observations:

Dept Transport & Main Roads Qld

. . . 'Report on the use of Geo R Bond to improve the Strength of Low-strength Pavement Materials' (on a) . . . 'unsealed road that becomes impassable in the wet' . . . 'road conditions generally deteriorated due to normal traffic and the extra ten road trains per day transporting gravel' . . . 'the sections treated with the Geo R Bond and the surface subject to wheel loads showed very little surface damage' . . . 'compacted treated material tightly bound together' . . . 'compacted natural material without Geo R Bond would not have withstood the wheel loadings without breaking up' . . . 'the treated surface withstood the effects of traffic far better than the adjoining sections of road' . . . 'treated material is very hard and dry' . . . 'addition of Geo R Bond improves the strength of the material' . . . 'indicative cost to incorporate Geo R Bond into 200mm of pavement was about $2.00 to $3.00/m2, which is quite low' . . . 'as an improved subgrade significantly reduce the cost of pavement construction'.


Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (Environmental Protection Agency)

 . . . 'this company are the only ones to have taken an interest in our works, and have come to sites a number of times to offer advice and assistance' . . . 'where Geo R Bond was applied the road is dry, hard and perfect, but where it hasn't been applied the road was wet, boggy and untrafficable.  Considering the outrageous cost of buying gravel and transporting it to Wet Tropic roads, only to have it washed off in the next downpour, or have the poor local soils being wheel rutted and turning into immediate road drains, this seems to be the way to go' . . . 'it should be demonstrated to all our park road managers as a technique to alleviate the problems we as a department are continually facing.' . . . 'Considering the road problems on Cape York Parks, and the lack of gravels, we could also be on a winner financially and environmentally' . . . 'this product has been used extensively in the Burketown area and has been very successful after the past few wet seasons' . . . 'a major benefit where we have had considerable problems obtaining gravel, especially with the problems of sourcing and opening pits.'


Queensland Rail

 . . . 'Geo R Bond formation stabilisation in black soil' . . . 'average CBR of 9 (untreated)' . . . 'CBR between 32 and 40 (treated) obtained from outer edge of profile' . . . 'CBR of 50 to 60 on primary treated formation' . . . 'track recording vehicle shows a trend for improvement' . . . 'cost benefit proving successful' . . . 'local maintenance crews indicate an improvement on track running performance' . . . 'feedback from line rail operator that a noticeable ride difference identified' . . . 'cost impact is minimal with respect to the outcomes and cost of implementation' . . . 'advantages - cost effective; near no impact on relay production; minimal supervision; reduce resurfacing costs; a formation which can maintain track performance without attention for longer periods' . . . 'will continue the stabilisation process in all locations defined as black soil' . . .'recommendation to apply the product where black soil or clay based formation is present'.


Burke Shire Council Qld

 'Geo R Bond has performed very well.  There is little sign of surface deformation (wheel path rutting) and very little loss of material from the surface, evidenced by the small amount of loose materials on the surface.  The surface is very 'tight' and dense and does not exhibit any significant cracking or signs of breaking up' . . . 'indications point to Geo R Bond as the most effective stabiliser' . . . 'it does have some "water proofing" effect on pavement materials' . . . 'Given that it is also the cheapest product, serious consideration should be given to using it in both our black soil base material as well as the gravel pavements that we currently use for road construction' . . . 'it may help to alleviate some of the problems we tend to experience due to pavement saturation and water ingress'.


Townsville City Council Qld - Dams & Catchments Unit

 . . . 'at the Ross Dam previously used Geo R Bond on internal roads with great success' . . . 'exhausted current supply and in need of more'


BHP Billiton Saraji Mine Qld

BHP billiton 
. . . 'The Coal Stockpile Base sealed using Geo R Bond is performing very well' . . . 'no sign of wet areas which caused bogging in the past' . . . 'this is a very cost-effective way to stabilise an area subject to water ingress' . . . 'the base appears to be getting harder' . . . 'the section of haul road is holding together like concrete' . . . 'the surface is very tight' . . . 'shows little sign of wear' . . . 'maintenance on the area is down to a third' . . . '300 ton coal trucks would turn the corner into dust, that is not happening' . . . 'after 6 months convinced me to treat the rest of the main haul road' . . . 'savings in road maintenance, also in tyre wear'. 


United Collieries, Hunter Valley NSW

united coll 
 . . . 'a significant improvement in the amount of dust' . . . 'less prone to deterioration and pot holes' . . . 'considerable improvement in surface stability' . . .'truck drivers request to treat the remainder of the roads' - 'extremely satisfied with the results'.


Isaac Regional Council Qld

 . . . 'Geo R Bond used on capital works projects over the past three years' . . . 'proved Geo R Bond enhances the strength of pavement gravel especially considering the availability of good quality gravels in the council area' . . . 'needing to purchase more for future council projects'.


Doomadgee Aboriginal Shire Council Qld

 . . . 'At last we have found a way to protect our work'.


Queensland Rail


. . . 'capital upgrade on predominantly black soil conditions' . . . 'formation treatment (Geo R Bond) to provide effective stabilisation process has been implemented and evaluated . . .'

. . . 'quite effective from a track performance in the dry and wet' . . . 'cost implications are very cheap comparable with traditional stabilisation methods used on railways in blacksoil or high clay regions . . . 'The result has been the expansion to use the product across the whole project.'


Department of Defence - 3rd Combat Engineer Regiment, Australian Army


. . . 'the 3 Combat Engineer Regiment to find a resolution to prevent erosion and keep the road open to traffic' . . . 'the slope was greater than 45% and the road deeply rutted and scoured' . . . 'prior to work insitu CBR was 8, too low for the amount of vehicles required to traverse the road in an emergency' . . . 'when completed, insitu CBR's were 23' . . . 'the area has been examined over the last couple of years and found not to be scoured out'.

. . . 'the areas of road were rutted heavily and suffered severely in the wet weather.  These roads that have been repaired are carrying approximately 30 to 40 vehicles ranging from 3/4-ton light vehicles up to 20-ton heavy vehicles per week with no signs of rutting after 12 months'.

. . . 'the road damaged severely by tanks weighing 54 ton' . . . 'repair the roadway to support these vehicles on future exercises' . . . 'the roads have been finished' . . . 'no sign of erosion or heavy rutting like before' . . . 'the tanks since repair have traversed the road'.



BHP Minerals QLD

 BHP Minerals logo

. . . 'used to reinforce sub base material in a section of the haul road which becomes inundated with water during wet weather' . . .'at this stage water has been over the road two times and no failures have occurred.'



Riverlakes Gold Course QLD


. . . 'applied Geo R Bond to all of our buggy paths' . . . 'objective to reduce potholes that form after rain or irrigation' . . .'the surface has a greater wear capacity with reduced dust' . . . 'since have had two floods cover some paths up to 5 feet of flowing water' . . . 'unlike previous floods the paths remain in perfect condition' . . . 'overall treatment a success' . . . 'Geo R Bond was a worthwhile investment.'



Department of Transport SA - Materials Technology


. . . 'proposed sheeting material not ideally suited to your product' . . . 'as you can see Geo R Bond did improve the strengths.



Faminco Mining QLD


. . . 'trucks running over surface take out 80 tonnes of ore each time' . . . 'it has become extremely hard' . . . 'alleviated our dust problem' . . . 'now only water once a shift' . . . 'haven't received any more complaints about dust.'



Charters Towers Gold QLD


. . . 'reduced the need for dust suppression by 60%' . . . 'definite cost saving factor' . . . 'needs to be considered in haul road construction.'



Remlake Earthmoving & Haulage NSW


. . . 'Geo R Bond incorporated to stabilise both subgrade and pavement materials' . . . 'compaction test results 100.4 to 104.8 achieved' . . . 'assisted general earthworks, overall operation and timeframe of job' . . . 'maximum compaction easily achieved and bearing strength significantly increased' . . . 'after substantial rainfalls no signs of break up, rutting or flaking evident' . . . 'no hesitation in recommending Geo R Bond.'



Local Govt Engineer (retired) Blacktown Municipal Council NSW

 . . . 'request for opinion regarding roads constructed with the additive (Roadpacker) in Blacktown NSW during the 1960's . . . 'Blacktown Council experiences the earliest on record' . . . 'my knowledge of the stabilising additive confirms that Geo R Bond (the latest version of Roadpacker) will contribute to the overall betterment of any project in construction, time and the finished road' . . . 'the additive consistently reduced ongoing maintenance and expenditure' . . . 'detailed report by Council in 1966 were positive highlighting successes in improved pavement strengths' . . . 'the road surface quickly hardened and remained stable after heavy rainfall; traffic tyres did not affect the surface with no break up, bogging or lifting; dust ceased altogether; CBR values increased significantly' . . . 'the condition of the newly constructed and unprotected road surface following rainfall and flooding stands out as exceptional' . . . 'the roads have remained in excellent condition with minimum maintenance required' . . . 'Inspection in October 2000 showed no sign of collapse or failure' . . . 'the treated roads are unchanged to this day' . . . 'increased trafficking and the demand for greater load bearing parameters to deliver pavement efficiency and prolonged pavement life, there is no doubt the additive has performed better than expected, after all, it has been 40 years.


Greater Taree City Council NSW

 . . . .'used as a stabilising agent (replacing cement and/or lime) in some rural, urban and main road construction projects over the last two years.  The works have been very successful and no failures have occurred to this date' . . . 'the gravel has a P.I. exceeding 6 and does not satisfy grading requirements for D.G.B. or D.G.S.' . . . 'has resulted in considerable savings in costs associated with gravel importation and preparation' . . . 'A direct cost savings over the conventional method of adding additional pavement material.  Saving 100mm of pavement depth, ie 3500m3 of gravel at landed cost of $9/m3 - $31,500.  Additional benefit of not having to process the 3500m3 (uncrushed) gravel, and of having a fully stabilised pavement 150mm'.


Geo R Bond has proven itself to China roading authorities as:


Article Australian Connections

. . . 'cost-effective and better performing than the conventional methods now available'.

Front Page Article - Zengcheng Bao (Newspaper)

. . . 'use of the new product Geo R Bond introduced from Australia in road base can reduce costs up to 46%'.

Chief Engineer - Zengcheng Municipal Government

. . . 'Subject: Zengcheng Ring Road Project' . . . 'Joint project by International Soil Science and Zengcheng Municipal Government' . . . 'Comments and observations by Mr Chen, Chinese side chief engineer' . . . Geo R Bond is excellent new material for road construction.  It totally changes the classical idea of road construction engineers and the traditional process of road construction.  In such a short period of time within 20 days or so, the treated soil has been turned into "a stone", it is just a miracle' . . . 'Besides excellent strength performance, the treated base has the advantage of impermeability which prevents the road from frost heave and water damage.  I believe it is a breakthrough' . . .'I am satisfied with the Zengcheng Ring Road Project'.


Similarly in Turkey

turkey-flag 000            President - Izmit VRC Commission, Marmara Zone

. . . 'tests and observations under heavy rain' . . . 'the road has tightened' . . . 'no deformation has been observed' . . . 'under 3cm no water is existing' . . . 'water has not been able to penetrate under the foundation'.


and Russia:


(dewatering tests relative to heave pressure differentials in freeze conditions)

Kemerovo Laboratory

. . . 'Application of Geo R Bond enables to increase water resistance of silty clay soils from 0.26 to 0.6 and sandy loams from 0.14 to 0.45' . . . 'a significant decrease in capillary water saturation which is important in areas with excess moisture' . . . 'when Geo R Bond applied to the mixture of 50% of conglomerate and 50% silty clays the water resistance ratio was increased from 0.28 to 0.37 with very low capillary saturation at 0.67%' . . . 'recommend using Geo R Bond for stabilisation of soils used for construction of heavy load roads'.