'Dust Free'
The Dust Inhibitor
Geo D Free protects the environment from dust damage and saves water.
An effective, long-life application, Geo D Free renders an unsealed surface tight and hard minimising abrasion loss on trafficked or disturbed surfaces, dramatically reducing dust levels. This is particularly important in areas where dust nuisance is a major health and safety concern.
Geo D Free is suitable for unsealed roads, driveways, car parks, hardstands, mine sites, work and truck yards, factory sites, quarries, crushing plants and any area susceptible to dusting, including broad acreage.
Traditionally, dust control is accomplished by spraying large amounts of water on the problem area to give added firmness by acting as a wet binder. When the water is sufficient to build up greater water films around the soil grains, it serves as a lubricant and these particles move freely on each other. The soil/dust becomes mud.
On drying, the surface crust quickly loosens, the dust condition returns and additional waterings are required, making this a short-term, ineffective 'band aid' method.
Geo D Free concentrate is soluble in water. The working solution penetrates the surface and fuses soil particles into a cohesive whole as a dense top layer to fix the particles in place and lock in the dust/soil factor, reducing the likelihood of material fines being carried off by wind as the surface dries. The Geo D Free layer of bound particles deepens and tightens to give a cushioned, smoother travelling surface.
Geo D Free also provides a cost effective solution to the impact of harsh pavements on premature tyre wear.
On mine haul roads, dust suppression is accomplished by continued wetting-down. This practice transforms the surface area abrasive, accelerating tyre wear. In addition, this wet condition creates excessive muddying allowing explosive "kick out" of material from pockets on the surface by the wheels of loaded vehicles. Where an unsealed road is under constant traffic by heavy haulage vehicles, impact shock during travel greatly increases the effective weight. Once the surface begins to yield, truck wheels dropping into holes can deliver blows several hundred percent greater than the static weight. If sharp rocks are present tyre casualties increase with costly consequences.
With a decisive reduction in dust and therefore less need for wetting-down frequencies, abrasive wear is minimised as is the severe cuts and damage to on and off-road vehicle tyres.
Geo D Free provides ideal road conditions to maximise efficiency and tyre serviceability, resulting in immense savings on tyre replacement and vehicle suspension maintenance . . . and water usage.